Muskel- und Gelenkbalsam Rot (extra Stark), 20g

Product number: 46069

Ein leicht wärmender und durchblutungsfördernder Stift zur Behandlung von Schmerzen in Muskeln, Sehnen und Gelenken. Das Muskel- und Gelenkbalsam wird aus natürlichen hochwertigen Substanzen hergestellt. Für eine wohltuende und angenehme Wärme.

4,90 €
plus VAT, plus, shipping
available. Delivery time: 2 - 3 days.
Bulk price
from 12 Units 4,61 €

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product reviews

Muscle and joint balm red (extra strong), 20g

Contents: 20g pen Red color

The red muscle and joint balm (extra strong) for tired, stiff muscles, tendons and joints!

A slightly warming and circulation-stimulating pen for treating pain in muscles, tendons and joints.

The muscle and joint balm is made from natural, high-quality substances.

For soothing and pleasant warmth deep into the skin.

The additional ingredient Dracaena cinnabari (dragon's blood), a resin from the spurge plant (Euphorbiacaeae), has a blood-moving effect.


Parafinum molle alba



Oleum eucalypti

Oleum Menthae


Flos Caryophylli

Oleum Cinnamomi

Oleum Camphori

Dracaena cinnabari

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